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Pupil Insurance


Dear Parent/Guardian,

The school is pleased to be working once again with Arachas Pupil Insurance who offer great value with their 24 hour Personal Accident Insurance for school pupils. We recommend this policy as it offers your child(ren) 24 hour cover for all activities (i.e. not just school hours and school activities) and gives excellent dental cover, at an affordable price.

The cost for this 24 hour cover is just €7 per pupil for the academic year (ie September to September)

If you would like to avail of this insurance for your child(ren), you can pay ONLINE via Aladdin Connect.

To pay: simply log in to Aladdin Connect Parent Portal on your laptop or use the Aladdin App on your smartphone.

We will be purchasing the insurance on your behalf online from Arachas. By purchasing the insurance in bulk on-line, we are able to buy it at a significant discount, so the annual 24 hour cover policy is available to you for €7 per child, instead of full price of €10.10. This is the same fee as last year, and represents excellent value for money.

To ensure continuity of cover from last year (ie no break in insurance cover for those who signed up last year) we must have our names and fees in before the renewal date, so it is vital that all fees are submitted by 4th November.

A brief outline of the scheme is attached and also available on the Arachas website



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