Invitation to 4th and 5th Class
(this letter from the Newport 300 committee was sent home with pupils from 4th and 5th class today)
Dear Parent/Guardian,
On Sunday May 1st, we will be having a Historical Re-Enactment on the streets of Newport.
This will tell the story of the town over the past 300 years in 3 different scenes. Scene 2 of the Re-Enactment will be for the children, so we are inviting children from 4th/5th class to take part. Your child will be invited to dress up, walk in a short march from the quayside and perform in a group sea shanty song (with adult supervision).
This performance will necessitate 2-3 practices outside of school time before May 1st.
If you would like your child to be involved, please sign the consent form on the letter sent home, and return it to the school by Tuesday March 28th or you can contact me directly on the number given.
We look forward to a memorable and fun filled day on May 1st.
Kind Regards,
Sharon McGreal (087 2026339)
Newport 300 Committee.
