Georges Street safety concerns
The George's Street Concern Group urgently needs your help....
"Our children face grave danger every day when travelling to and from school by foot or bike via George's St.
Mayo County Council has opened pubic consultation on the Greenway project and Newport town and wants to hear your views. They have asked for feedback on six questions. Our group now strongly urges parents to highlight the serious safety issues faced by our children on George's St. when responding to this questionnaire - in particular at questions 4 and 5.
Please help us to make George's St. safe for our children.
A hard copy of the questionnaire has been given to each eldest child today, and we ask that they are returned to the school by FRIDAY 27 May.
The closing date to respond to the council on this questionnaire is 31 May. The Georges Street Concern Group will ensure that all questionnaires are submitted to the council before the closing date.
Thank you"
