We hope that Newport NS After School classes will be able to start up again after 20th September 2021. If you are interested in running an after school class in the school, contact Fiona via email to find out more about our conditions and criteria.
Stepping Stones Montessori on Main Street. operates a BREAKFAST CLUB and AFTER SCHOOL CLUB. Contact Catherine 087 4043828 for more details
Greenway Lane Gallery often runs after school art workshops - contact Maureen O'Neill on 085 7212863 for more info
The Build-It Workshop now offer online workshops - contact them via their website www.thebuilditworkshop.com
Learning Together in Harmony
Easter Arts and Crafts
Mar 28, 2021
The children made some amazing creations this week to celebrate Easter - including a Craft and Bake Sale in 4th Class
HAPPY EASTER from everyone at Newport National School.