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'Build-It Workshops'

With no after school classes happening at the moment, we thought you would be interested in an upcoming virtual BUILD-IT WORKSHOP happening next week...

Newport based company The Build It Workshop runs regular workshops which get great reviews. Due to restrictions, The build it workshops face-to-face holiday clubs cannot run, but they are now offering an online alternative.

The build it workshop ( is going to be running a live STEM based online holiday build, starting on Monday 26 October and running every weekday, including Friday. These will be held at 10am and will run for approx 1 hour each day, by one of their Master Builders.

The club will build from scratch a bridge using only popsicle sticks. We will discuss various type of bridges, engineering principles and by the end of the week have something pretty impressive. Those 7 years plus should be okay working independently, but those younger may need some assistance.

Sessions will also be recorded to allow those to catch up if they've missed a session. We will provide the popsicle sticks and glue, we just ask you to supply some clothes pegs (about 15-20).

Kits and classes for the full week's club are €15 in total and will be delivered to you directly before Monday's session.

If you think you or someone else maybe interested then do drop an email to

Doesn't that sound like a fun thing to do during mid-term break?


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