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A Message from the Principal

Dear parents,

You are absolutely to be commended for the speed and level of cooperation you bring to each new set of events and changes due to the virus. Thank you so much for making our job manageable as we contend with the latest Covid variant.

Face Masks were introduced to the four senior classes today and it seems to be working well. We have a good supply of masks, so please don't worry if you lose one etc. Equally, over time your child may express a preference for a particular type of face covering and each type is acceptable.

We continue to operate "pods" (pupils who share the same table) in classrooms. When we are notified of a positive case of covid we notify the pod members who are given a HSE number to ring to access free antigen tests. So far, we are also sending home antigen tests with those pod members in order to avoid undue delay accessing a test.

We operate a Drop-Off and Collect box for parents to collect or return work to teachers for children who are isolating at home. Children working from home may contact their teacher through See Saw.

We will continue to rely on ventilation as a means of curbing Covid 19. We observe the CO2 monitor readings and run HEPA filters in the classrooms. Children are availing of movement breaks and go outside regularly. Children require good winter clothing. Certain winter clothing brands like Under Armour (tops and leggings) are on sale or reduced at the moment. Gilets are also handy to wear as children have their arms free for writing when wearing them.

For any family experiencing hardship at this already expensive time we are here to help. The local branch of Saint Vincent de Paul will help anyone who finds that they have unexpected costs. Their number is 098 35147. For a limited time from 1 – 15 December, the school will operate a scheme to assist with the provision of a winter coat or jacket & leggings for pupils. Please send in the receipt to myself or to Fiona in confidence and we will refund some or all of the cost. Unfortunately, we can only accept hardcopy receipts, which means the clothing can only be bought in a shop (not online). Feel free also to phone the school if there is anything that we can help with in this regard.

Hopefully the measures that have been put in place now will ensure that we can all enjoy the season of Christmas.

For any of you who may still be uncertain about the guidelines regarding when and how long to isolate, you will find the attached HSE document very clear and comprehensive (it is also available to download from the school website)

Stay safe and stay well.



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