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A letter from the Principal

Welcome back to all of our children and their families!

We hope you had a lovely summer and are looking forward to a great school year ahead!


Here are a few notes and messages:


Update medical / allergies

Please log in to the Aladdin app and update any medical needs or allergies your child might have.


School Calendar

Keep an eye on our school calendar for the  2024/25 school year online at


Pedestrian Crossing

The new crossing at the MUGA area will be opening shortly. This will make the journey to and from school much safer for our children. Hopefully this will also see an increase in the numbers of children walking / scooting and cycling to school!



We are engaging with Health and Safety specialists to improve continue to ensure safety in our car park. We will update you on this progress.


To keep the children safe, all pupils must be escorted to and from the car park - no child is to walk in the carpark by themselves. When you return to your car, please depart in a timely fashion. A reminder too that children are not to be left to line up before 9:10.

Please drive slowly and carefully as our children are precious.



If your child is absent for any reason please let us know via Aladdin.



The easiest way to communicate with the school is through the Aladdin app. You can send a message on this at any time and your child’s teacher will reply during school hours.

You can also call the office if needed on 098-41442



We are in the process of reviewing the homework policy in our school.

For the months of September and October we have decided upon the following:


Junior and Senior Infants: No homework


1st Class to 6th Class: Homework for the week will be assigned on Mondays and collected on Friday mornings.


Thanks and best wishes for the year ahead.




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