Homework 3rd Class
Hi to all the parents and pupils in Third Class.
I hope ye are all holding up OK during this time of social distancing. I know that it is a very different time for all of us and that everyone is trying to manage it in their own way.
Since the closure has been extended from 9 to 14 school days, I am going to make some extra suggestions for schoolwork for those of you who would like to set more work for your children for next week. I am conscious that in many houses there may be people working from home and children of all ages to be looked after so I certainly do not want to add any pressure to your home situation. After the closures, I will correct any work that has been completed but I will not be questioning children who don't get work completed.
SHOW AND TELL: The children who had not given their show and tell presentation in school before the closure can make sure they have prepared this for our return.
PE: Just be sure to get plenty of exercise outside if it's dry (Remember to stay 2 metres away from other people not in your family!) and inside using any combination of exercises you know like jumping jacks, plank, high knees, high heels, squats, lunges etc
READING: Continue to read your own books and make a note of what you have been reading. Try to read aloud to a parent for a few minutes.
READ AT HOME: Continue on from p105 to p108 and write the answers to the questions
MENTAL MATHS: Continue into the following week, doing each day's column, not forgetting the Problem Solving section.
I suggest the following website and game for you to practise your times tables
(It can also be downloaded as an app for €3.50)
SPELLINGS: Continue with the Dictation sentences in your homework folders
PROJECT: I suggest using the following link: https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/ for you to research and do a project on any animal.
If you like to be artistic, you can do lots of drawing and be very creative with this project. If you have the opportunity, you could do your project using Powerpoint.
Suggested Headings: Animal Description, What it eats, Where it lives and has it adapted to where it lives (habitat)
I know that not everyone might have access to good broadband and the website suggestions just won't work in those houses.
Again, please treat the above as a menu and do what works best for you and your family. There are lots of other learning opportunities at home that your children are picking up all the time and you are in the best position to decide what work to set your children!
I am really looking forward to getting back to normality and meeting your lovely children back in the classroom once this situation is over,
Very best regards,
Emer O'Malley