Reminders before mid-term
Just a few deadlines to note for the week before mid-term...
Children may dress in fancy dress this Friday 25th October. We ask that you do not dress them in Killer Clown costumes as this can be frightening for the younger children. Fancy dress is, of course, optional.
If you wish to fill a shoebox for the Team Hope appeal, please collect your form and empty shoebox this week. There are only a few boxes left. Filled shoeboxes should be brought in to school AFTER mid-term
The Board of Management elections will take place in November so nomination forms should be returned to the school by this Friday 25th. 2 BoM members must be elected from the parent body (as per letter sent home)
Christmas Annual orders and payment should be sent in this week so that orders can be placed in plenty of time
Anyone wishing to design a logo (A3 landscape) for the Mayo Dark Sky Festival should have their entries in by Friday. After this date they can be sent in to the Tourist Office Georges Street by next Wednesday - more details in earlier post
Remember that there will be NO SCHOOL for pupils on WEDNESDAY 6 NOVEMBER as staff must attend statutory in-service training.