Architectural Award for School Hall
Well done to our architect Michael Horan of Axo Architects, who designed our new school hall, which was selected for Exhibition at the recent RIAI Awards
We love our new hall and are delighted it has been chosen for this prestigious national exhibition!
Dear RIAI Awards Entrant
Thank you for submitting your project for consideration in the 30th year of the RIAI Irish Architecture Awards 2019. This year we received a huge response.
From 197 entries a shortlist of 48 projects was selected by the Main Jury, Research Jury, Universal Design Jury and Future Award Jury.
Also this year 33 Projects were selected for Exhibition by the Main Jury. The Exhibition will be shown during the summer and also will be online, venue and dates tbc. Your entry is among those chosen for Exhibition.
As in previous years, the shortlist of buildings will form the basis for the RIAI Public Choice Award from which the public can select their favourite building by voting online, which will be launched tomorrow.
The Awards Ceremony evening will be held on Friday 7 June at the Mansion House Dublin where all results will be announced and the awards presented.
Thank you again for entering the Awards this year and congratulations to the Shortlisted projects and projects selected for Exhibition.
Many Thanks
Kind Regards
Claudia O’Dwyer
RIAI Annual Awards, RIAI Medals, & RIAI Competitions
(Working hours Monday to Thursday 9.00 to 14.00)
8 Merrion Square
Dublin D02YE68