Halloween 2nd Class
HAPPY HALLOWEEN from everyone in 2nd Class!

Halloween 2nd Class
HAPPY HALLOWEEN from everyone in 2nd Class!

Halloween Junior Infants
Happy Halloween from Junior Infants! Everyone dressed up for Halloween today and what a delight it was! We played some great Halloween...

Halloween Junior Infants
Happy Halloween from Junior Infants! Everyone dressed up for Halloween today and what a delight it was! We played some great Halloween...

Halloween 1st Class
Lots of great costumes in 1st Class today!

Halloween 1st Class
Lots of great costumes in 1st Class today!

Mayo Autism Camp Halloween Get Together
Mayo Autism Camp Get Together in Manulla FC on 31st October 11am-1:30pm Booking essential - see poster for details!

Mayo Autism Camp Halloween Get Together
Mayo Autism Camp Get Together in Manulla FC on 31st October 11am-1:30pm Booking essential - see poster for details!

Reminders before mid-term
Just a few deadlines to note for the week before mid-term... Children may dress in fancy dress this Friday 25th October. We ask that you...

Reminders before mid-term
Just a few deadlines to note for the week before mid-term... Children may dress in fancy dress this Friday 25th October. We ask that you...