Canon Killeen Park - have your say!
Exciting Times! As many of you are aware, Canon Killeen Park was purchased by NADDCo (Newport And District Development Company) this year...

Help with Aladdin
As we are using the Aladdin Connect Parent Portal more and more (to minimise physical contacts and note handling) you may find you need...

Contacting parents...
Covid-19 IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR PARENTS: It is essential that you are available to take a call and have a contingency arrangement for...

Safety Notice
Parents: Thank you all for your support as we navigate new protocols. For your childrens safety, THERE IS NO ADMITTANCE TO THE SCHOOL...

School Photos
We are delighted to announce that COUNTY PHOTOS will visit us to take school photos on MONDAY 12th OCTOBER 2020 You will find attached...

Isolation Quick Guide
Please check out this handy quick guide to isolation for children aged between 3 months and 13 years. (click to download or print)

End of Week 2!
Dear Parents, We are working away in our pods and bubbles within the school. The children, without exception, have been most cooperative...

Communion Photos
Thank you all for sending in your lovely photos from Saturday's Communion Day. It's not too late to send in yours - just email them to...

Schools and Covid-19: what parents need to know
Very helpful information for parents on the RTE website today, helping parents decide when you should keep your child home from school......

Interview with Dr Ronan Glynn
Acting Chief Medical Officer Dr. Ronan Glynn joined the RTE News2Day team on Friday and answered children's questions about Covid-19......