enjoying the playground
Our Junior explorers took the opportunity of good weather to have a walk to the local playground. They had a ball there!

enjoying the playground
Our Junior explorers took the opportunity of good weather to have a walk to the local playground. They had a ball there!

Explorers visit Kelly's Kitchen
All set and ready for our first visit to Kelly's Kitchen. We all did really well ordering, sitting and waiting for our food. It was...

Explorers visit Kelly's Kitchen
All set and ready for our first visit to Kelly's Kitchen. We all did really well ordering, sitting and waiting for our food. It was...

We planted early potatoes in our veg boxes at Easter and we picked them, and ate them today!! Very tasty

We planted early potatoes in our veg boxes at Easter and we picked them, and ate them today!! Very tasty

Planting Potatoes!
It's time to plant our potatoes this year! We planted two boxes of early - Sharps Express!

Planting Potatoes!
It's time to plant our potatoes this year! We planted two boxes of early - Sharps Express!

floating & sinking
Our Early explorers were very happy to learn all about floating and sinking recently - they were amazed at things that float!

floating & sinking
Our Early explorers were very happy to learn all about floating and sinking recently - they were amazed at things that float!