Coláiste Pobail Acla enrolment
A message from the principal of Coláiste Pobail Acla, Paul Fahy... This year due to COVID-19 restrictions we are unable to visit the...

A message for families of children making their confirmation this year... Fr. Tod has left a copy of 'The Confirmation Year' workbook in...

Sacred Heart School enrolment
Dear Parent/Guardian, 1st year Enrolment for 2021/22 for Sacred Heart School is now open. Please visit http://www.shswestport.ie/enrolmen...

a Message from Fr. Tod
from Fr. Tod... For the period of Lockdown, the 10am Facebook MASS on FRIDAYS will be focused on our children, with child friendly music...

Mayo News 15 Dec 2020
Lucia (5th Class) and Liam (6th Class) feature among the winners in this week's Mayo News' Christmas GAA art competition! Well done to both!

Sports training with Brian McLoughlin
We are delighted to welcome back Brian McLoughlin this term. He will be starting up his sports training classes this week. Timetable...

Halloween Poem
6th Class were feeling very creative today and composed this wonderful Halloween poem for everyone to enjoy!

Return to School Declaration
We are delighted to inform you that a 'Return to School Declaration form' can now be filled in via Aladdin Connect (App or browser). From...