School Reports
End of Year Reports are now available to view and download in Aladdin Connect

5th Class School Tour
A stunning Day on Achill Island!

Book Lists
The School Book Lists for next year are now available to view, download or print from this website - Downloads section If you have...

Cycling Safety
Well the children of 5th and 6th classes were delighted when footballer and community guard Colm Boyle turned up this morning along with...

Zoom talks on Astronomy
5th and 6th Class parents I thought you might like to hear about two Zoom talks that are happening next week to celebrate International...

Letter from the Department of Education
We received the attached letter from the Department, confirming that the gradual phased reopening of schools can proceed as planned. The...

A message for families of children making their confirmation this year... Fr. Tod has left a copy of 'The Confirmation Year' workbook in...

a Message from Fr. Tod
from Fr. Tod... For the period of Lockdown, the 10am Facebook MASS on FRIDAYS will be focused on our children, with child friendly music...