A Rare Discovery!
Cillian and his sister Aoife discovered a very rare blue shore crab in Clew Bay recently. It is now recorded on Citizen Science...
Wednesday Walks are back!
1st class have started back on the 'Wednesday Walks' and enjoyed the fine weather today with a walk around Princess Grace Park and the...
A message for all parents and staff
All, Thank you for all the work you have done over the past six weeks. It has been a challenging time and we didn't expect the lockdown...
It's Snow Fun!
Jack from 1st Class popped over to the school yard this week to make the most of the snow! Thanks for keeping an eye on the place for us...
1st class cheer for Mayo
The children of 1st class gave a big cheer for Mayo on their recent weekly walk
Sports training with Brian McLoughlin
We are delighted to welcome back Brian McLoughlin this term. He will be starting up his sports training classes this week. Timetable...
Wednesday Walks
1st Class have been enjoying their 'Wednesday Walks' so much this year. We have walked the Greenway, visited Princess Grace Park on a...
Letters to Grandparents
The 1st class children loved writing to their grandparents and familiy members in September, to let them know how they are getting on...
Return to School Declaration
We are delighted to inform you that a 'Return to School Declaration form' can now be filled in via Aladdin Connect (App or browser). From...
Christmas Annuals
This year we are restricting purchasing of Christmas Annuals to online payments only, minimising the handling of cash for hygiene and...