Scooter Skills
The children learn so many skills during their time in Newport NS - check out the Scooter Skills workshop that 1st and 2nd classes...

Scooter Skills
The children learn so many skills during their time in Newport NS - check out the Scooter Skills workshop that 1st and 2nd classes...

School Tours - 1st Class
Great fun was had by all of 1st class on their trip to Achill for their school tour. They enjoyed a tour of the deserted village, lunch...

School Tours - 1st Class
Great fun was had by all of 1st class on their trip to Achill for their school tour. They enjoyed a tour of the deserted village, lunch...

1st Class visit to Marine Institute
The children got to try out experiments in the lab and were allowed to hold different species of fish. They enjoyed their visit and...

1st Class visit to Marine Institute
The children got to try out experiments in the lab and were allowed to hold different species of fish. They enjoyed their visit and...

Swift Bird calls switched on
1st Class were delighted to be asked to switch on the swift bird call signals on 1st May. These recorded bird sounds will hopefully...

Swift Bird calls switched on
1st Class were delighted to be asked to switch on the swift bird call signals on 1st May. These recorded bird sounds will hopefully...