6th Class Tour Day 1
Sixth Class enjoyed a day of great fun and adventure at Keel lake and Keel beach, Achill. The children went kayaking and then surfing in...

3rd Class Sports Day
Taking advantage of the good weather this week...

4th Class Sports Day
While many classes were on their School Tours today, 4th Class too advantage of the fine weather to organise their own Sports Day!

Senior Explorers go horseriding
Our intrepid senior explorers are really enjoying their weekly riding lesson in Carrowmore Stables!

Sen Infants Sports Day
The teacher took advantage of a break in the weather to bring the children to Burrishoole GAA pitch for their Sports Day today (Monday)

Cycling Safety
Well the children of 5th and 6th classes were delighted when footballer and community guard Colm Boyle turned up this morning along with...

Walsh's Footwear Shop
The Walsh family have asked us to let you know that their iconic shop on Main Street is closing down and that they have lots of fantastic...

Nephin Athletics Club
Nephin Athletics Club has re-commenced training sessions for children... WEDNESDAYS 6-7pm for children aged 10 years and upwards FRIDAYS...

Soccer Training
Newport Mulranny Wanderers schoolboys and girls F.C. has resumed training every Sunday morning at 11:30 on the BCP community pitch next...