Artists at work
All our classes have been busy making wonderful art for their classroom noticeboards!

Hot lunches!
Just over one week in, our new hot lunches are a big hit with the children! Our kitchen is a very busy spot every morning getting the...

Mr Browne and friends!
Mr Browne and his friends were very keen to show off their new glasses!

Another Terrific Tuesday!
Another terrific Tuesday with all the Explorers...

Free Astronomy Talk Hotel Newport
Many of the children in Newport NS got to enjoy the free planetarium shows in the school hall over the weekend during the Mayo Dark Sky...

More Halloween Pics
In case you missed any details from the amazing costumes the children wore on Friday, check out some more spooky snaps...

Haunted Houses in 5th
5th class had great fun constructing their haunted houses.

Spooky Stories from 6th Class
6th class had such a lovely time, reading their Halloween stories to Junior Infants...