Polling Station at school
As you are aware, the school will be used as a polling station for this Friday's General Election. Therefore, the school will be closed...

School closed THU and FRI
UPDATE on Thursday 21 Nov @ 19:57... Hi. The Board of Management have decided that Newport NS will remain closed tomorrow, Friday, as the...

Another Terrific Tuesday!
The Explorers classes had another Terrific Tuesday today, we had a dance along outside. Everyone was wrapped up in their Winter woollies.

Infants enjoying Science Week!
Junior infants had great fun during science week!

Student Council 2024/25
Elections have taken place, and our new student council are busy learning about how the council works and the jobs they will be...

5th Class enjoying 3rd Class Science Fair
5th class really enjoyed watching & hearing about the experiments that 3rd class performed for us

Friendship Week in Explorers
Playing and being Kind with our friends- Friendship Week, Early Explorers 💓👫

Willow visits Explorers
We had great fun today with Lyndsey (a Visiting Artist from Blast). She came to show us Willow. We can’t wait to see what will make...

3rd Class Science Fair
3rd class science fair for science week was so much fun! Thank you to all the people who supported us!

3rd Class Trip to Westport Library
3rd class drawing the constellation of Orion with artist Deirdre Kellegher for Science Week in Westport library.