Art Time today
The children created gorgeous pieces today!

Lego Appeal
The children in our Autism Classes just love playing and building structures with Lego, and it really helps to develop their...

Scór na bPáistà success!
Well done to all our pupils who competed in the Mayo Scór na bPáistà yesterday, they certainly did the school and the community proud!...

Book Fair 2023
Our annual Book Fair will take place in the school hall next week, from Tuesday 28 Feb to Friday 3 Mar. For those of you new to the...

Talented Artists in Newport NS
Our classes love creating beautiful art for the walls of our school!

It's Pancake Day!
Huge thanks to all the parents from the Parent Association who are here in the school today making delicious pancakes for all the pupils...

Community Games AGM
The Burrishoole Community Games AGM is on tomorrow night Wednesday 22 February at 7:30pm in the GAA clubhouse Support from parents is...

Valentines Day in 2nd Class
2nd class made love heart clay pinch pots for St. Valentine's Day. What a creative bunch!

Sunny Spring Days in Senior Infants
Signs of Spring are all around!

Seashore Safari
How lucky were 3rd class with the weather on Tuesday! They had clear skies and sunshine for their Seashore Safari with Ed from Leave No...