Spooky Stories from 6th Class
6th class had such a lovely time, reading their Halloween stories to Junior Infants...

Local Landmarks 6th Class
More charcoal creations from 6th class as they worked on local landmarks...

Names & Symmetry
Using our names and symmetry, 6th class created these Name Monsters...

Self portraits 6th class
6th class created some stunning self portraits with charcoal this week!

Cross Country Competition
The runners representing Newport NS had a great day in Murrisk, running in the sunshine! Ful report to follow, well done to all our runners

Order of Malta - Cadet Recruitment
Are you aged 10-16 and interested in joining Westport's Order of Malta? Check out the flyer below!

Class News will be posted here
As our school year has just started, it will take a week or so for news to start coming in from each class, so just check this page...