Mayo News 27 Sep 2022
How lovely to see little Sofia from Junior Infants on the front cover of the Mayo News this week, enjoying Culture Night in Turlough House.

5th Class meet some Mathematicians
Today 5th Class were busy chatting with some real mathematicians! Later we will vote on which of the mathematicians receives a cash...

Junior Infants at the Playground
We love our outdoor classrooms in Newport - The Junior Infants had a great time in the Playground today...

Cleaner Required
The school is seeking to recruit a part-time cleaner, so if you know anyone who might be interested, see details in the Mayo News ad in...

Cross Country fun
Our 24 runners who formed the school's 4 x cross country teams did us proud in Ballyvary yesterday. They ran their hearts out and...

Fundraiser for Hospice
Community Notice There will be a BUCKET COLLECTION Fundraiser for Mayo Roscommon Hospice in Walsh's Bridge Inn on SATURDAY 1 OCTOBER 2022...

Busy Week for Senior Infants
It has been a busy week in Senior Infants- we completed a September nature walk and found lots of interesting things. We have been...

Lost & Found
We have some items of clothing unclaimed for a few days now, so if you see anything that belongs to your child, you can pick it up on the...

Our Nature Table
Third Class A have been compiling interesting objects for the classroom nature table.

Safety on Georges Street
Well done to the Georges Street Concern Group, made up of parents and local businesses, who are working so hard to highlight the safety...