Book Lists
Our 2022/23 Book Lists are now ready to download from this website - click HERE
First glimpse!
We got our first good look at our chicks today. They are a couple of weeks old but had been kept out of view by their parents. That all...

Uniform Exchange
Uniform Exchange... Parents are welcome to visit the SCHOOL HALL at 2pm or 3pm tomorrow THURSDAY or FRI to pick up any uniform items that...

Calling all parents
The Newport NS Parent Association and Social Club are calling all parents to join them for a night out to celebrate the summer holidays!...

Chicks have hatched!
Our lovely swift checks hatched last week and are being looked after by their parents until they are fledglings ready to fly, which will...

Sports Day(s)
Parents: Sports Days Due to an increase in local Covid cases and a staff shortage, we are restricting numbers for Sports Day. Senior...

Uniform Exchange
Our very busy Parent Association, who support the school in so many ways, are organising a UNIFORM EXCHANGE next week. Anyone who wants...

New Infants pay us a visit!
It was lovely to see all the new children who will be starting school in September! They met their new teacher Ms Connolly and all their...

Junior Shepherds
Great fun had by all at today's trip to the Newport Shepherds in Derradda...