Eggs in the nests
The children were so happy to see that our swifts have started laying eggs in their nest boxes here at the school. Swifts normally lay...

Check out our hoodies!
Print Addiction Westport delivered our 6th class hoodies today so the class couldn't wait to try them on. We think they look really cool!

Concert for Ukraine
Newport NS Gospel Choir, which consists of the pupils of 3rd, 4th and 5th classes, has been invited to perform at the upcoming evening of...

Georges Street safety concerns
The George's Street Concern Group urgently needs your help.... "Our children face grave danger every day when travelling to and from...

Cycle to School Week
A big THANK YOU to everyone who participated in our Cycle to School Week from Monday 16 May to Friday 20 May 2022. 78 children from our...

We received the following message from Foróige... Foróige is a Youth Club for young teenagers. All parents of 5th and 6th class pupils...

Host Families sought
Parents We thought some of you might be interested in this request for host families... Regards Association are looking for host families...

Junior Infants dance with Sarah
We have started dance classes with Sarah on Wednesdays and we love it!!!We have got some great moves!!!!

Junior golf lessons
Well done to our school golf team who won the recent inter-schools golf competition held in Mulranny Golf Club. If any children are...

Inventors in Junior Infants
We are inventors in Junior Infants working as a team to make creations of all shapes and sizes from Lego and Knex.