Seashore Safari
The weather played a blinder today as 4th, 5th and 6th class joined Sorsha Kennedy of Leave No Trace Ireland on their Seashore Safaris...

Handball Training
Handball training at Newport handball alley is back from Monday evening 4 April. Newcomers very welcome! Times: Under 8/10 boys & girls...

6th Class... For those who were unable to attend the confirmation service on 12th March, a second service is now scheduled for SUNDAY 5th...

'Steal My Style' event
Tables for the 'Steal My Style' Fundraising event (8 April) being organised by the school's Parent Association have all sold out, and...

Swimming in Mulranny
We were delighted (and just a bit relieved!) to get this photo from the Mulranny Park Hotel, clearly showing that their pool is just...

Well done 6th Class!
Well done 6th Class! The pupils raised €1055 for Ukraine yesterday with their Rice Krispie Sales Combined with €195 raised by the girls...

Well done Moya Faye & Robin
As we mentioned a couple of weeks ago, Moya, Faye and Robin from 3rd Class made and sold loom wristbands in the colours of the Ukrainian...

Invitation to 4th and 5th Class
(this letter from the Newport 300 committee was sent home with pupils from 4th and 5th class today) Dear Parent/Guardian, On Sunday May...

Check out the beautiful daffodils created by 5th Class...

4th Class celebrate World Book Day
Ms O'Malley's class did some wonderful artwork to celebrate World Book Day!