Supervision and Breaks
Yard Supervision rota is done by school secretary and changes every half term All teachers participate in the rota at break times...

Meet the Team
Staff Details Teachers SNAs Secretary Bus Escorts Caretaker Cleaners

Swimming Lessons
UPDATE - ALL CHILDREN MUST WEAR GOGGLES AND SWIM HATS TO BE ALLOWED INTO THE POOL Just a quick note to let everyone know that we have...

Busy times in Junior Infants
Lots of fun in Junior Infants, we are very busy every morning doing team work activities!! We are getting so good working as a team!!! We...

Parent Association News
A new Parent Association has been elected. The committee includes: Chair: Lily Henry Treasurers: Fiona Kelly and Niamh Lally Secretaries:...

Common Sense Parenting
A message from the Newport NS Parent Association... Common Sense Parenting (C.S.P.) is a skillbased programme where parents develop...

Kilmeena Team comes to Newport
Community Notice Burrishoole GAA Club are delighted to welcome the Kilmeena GAA team to Newport TODAY FRIDAY 11 FEB Come out & shout for...

Litter Free Zone!
2nd Class did some litter picking on their weekly walk on the Greenway on Thursday! Future Tidy Towns Volunteers perhaps? Great job everyone

Confirmation 2022
We received the attached letter from Fr. Tod - feel free to download/print