Bluebells in the Park
Check out 1st class surrounded by a bed of bluebells on their Wednesday walk last week!

Cycling Safety
Well the children of 5th and 6th classes were delighted when footballer and community guard Colm Boyle turned up this morning along with...

4th class in Brackloon
Full report to follow!

The Very Hungry Caterpillar
The early explorers class love the story about the Hungry Caterpillar and they created a wonderful display in their classroom.

Let's go fly a kite
Junior Infants are having a great time creating colourful kites today!

Walsh's Footwear Shop
The Walsh family have asked us to let you know that their iconic shop on Main Street is closing down and that they have lots of fantastic...

Nephin Athletics Club
Nephin Athletics Club has re-commenced training sessions for children... WEDNESDAYS 6-7pm for children aged 10 years and upwards FRIDAYS...

Soccer Training
Newport Mulranny Wanderers schoolboys and girls F.C. has resumed training every Sunday morning at 11:30 on the BCP community pitch next...

Junior Explorers visit Brackloon
Junior Explorers enjoyed a fabulous expedition to Brackloon woods today with our guide Ged. We ate wood sorrel and found loads of wild...